No Referral Needed
Did you know that you can see a Physical Therapist without a referral from a physician?** As of 2014, you can receive treatment from a physical therapist for up to 21 days or 10 visits before seeking consultation with your physician. At that time, we will communicate with your physician about approving your continued care.
Early Access Matters
In some areas of the country, physical therapists even work in the Emergency Department or Urgent Care as a valuable member of the health care team. When it comes to musculoskeletal and acute injuries, such as ankle sprains or low back pain, the sooner you can get in and start treatment, the quicker you can get back to your daily activities. We may be biased, but your physical therapist is one of the foremost experts in this area, so why not get PT first?
Contact Us Today
Why wait? Contact us today to get started on your rehab journey.
** Please note that your insurance may or may not cover services without a referral. If you’re not sure what your insurance benefits covers, give us a call at 231.222.2121 and we can help you navigate these waters.