Exclusively for Active Recovery Patients

Never Stop Learning

At Active Recovery, you know we place a huge emphasis on patient education. We hope you’ll get a little refresher or discover some new tips and tricks about managing your symptoms and improving your quality of life with our blog posts and other resources. Have a specific question you don’t see featured? Send it in and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Active Recovery Patients

As a patient at Active Recovery, we’ll be working together in an ongoing process of developing a home exercise and/or symptom management program for you. It’s important to stay engaged with your plan as we work together to decrease your pain and increase your activity tolerance. Stay in the loop with tips and tricks, exercise instruction, and a lot of fun by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Have a specific question or exercise you don’t see featured? Send it in and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Latest News

Our Blog


What is Active Recovery?

Hello! Welcome to our first blog post… we wanted to start by answering a simple, but important, question: what is…

Get Active

Jaleesa and Kristi are committed to helping you to GET ACTIVE. Click over to the About Us page to learn more about the inspiration behind Active Recovery.

Be Active

Thanks for checking out our Resources page. We hope you’ve found this information to be helpful. We’d love to meet with you in person to assess your individual needs and to show you how to use these resources to your best advantage. Find out how to be BE ACTIVE with our variety of Services.

Stay Active

We know that life can get a little hectic, but putting in the work and developing good habits now will help you to STAY ACTIVE later. Contact us today to get started on your journey.
